BHP Energy Healing
Revolutionary self-healing method for pain relief & mind-body relaxation in as little as 1 minute!
BHP Energy Healing
Revolutionary self-healing method for pain relief & mind-body relaxation in as little as 1 minute!
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What is BHP Energy Healing?

BHP stands for Brain Education Healing Points, which are points on the head, fingers, and toes that are connected to the brain and can signal a physical or emotional imbalance. BHP Energy Healing helps you activate your natural healing power by finding and pressing on these points. It's a self-healing practice that anyone can easily practice regardless of age and condition.

How Does It Work?
The brain and body are connected by neural networks, hormones, and the body's energy channels. Because of physical and emotional stress or negative thoughts and habits, your natural healing power may become weaker or out of balance. Stimulating your BHPs helps to restore your natural healing power by awakening your brain to places in your body that are blocked. By activating these points, you can enhance your physical well-being, emotional balance, and mental clarity.

Who Developed It?
BHP Energy Healing was developed by mind-body expert and founder of Body & Brain Yoga, 
Ilchi Lee. It is a part of Lee's Brain Education method for using your brain well, which has helped millions worldwide create health, happiness, and peace in their lives and communities.   

Benefits of BHP
BHP Energy Healing can help improve your physical, emotional, and mental well-beings. When BHPs are stimulated, energy signals to correct and heal are sent from the brain to specific organs. Turning on this "rest-and-digest" function can also bring you into a meditative state from which you can watch the thoughts and emotions that underlie your physical condition. By more deeply connecting your brain and body in this way, it strengthens your brain’s ability to manage your health and leads to a greater awareness that helps you improve your habits and lifestyle.
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain, especially in the neck and shoulders
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Raises body temperature
  • Clears eyesight
  • Improves digestion
  • Deepens breathing
  • Improves sleep quality
Emotional & Mental
  • Enhances concentration and focus
  • Helps release old emotional trauma
  • Relieves stress and mental tension
  • Clears thoughts
  • Boosts overall mood
  • Enhances self-esteem and self-love
  • Creates confidence from the ability to self-heal 
Learn BHP Energy Healing Method
BHP Energy Healing on the fingers
BHP Energy Healing on the head
Feeling Positive and Calm
I suffer from many serious health conditions. From doing BHP one to five times a day for 4 months, I experienced relief of my symptoms, and I started to get into the routine of training my body and mind. My brain and mindset is clearer, I feel positive and calm inside even when there is stress, and I am able to fall asleep more easily and get quality sleep for better recovery.

Ario Petryliene, Dallas, TX
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Getting More Restful Sleep
I have been practicing BHP Energy Healing for over a month. I could feel energy circulation in my body very strongly that would last the entire day. I had issues with my kidneys and there have been times I would wake up in the middle of the night and use the bathroom three or four times and in some cases almost every hour. I am only getting up now one to two times on average and I am getting more restful sleep.

Robert Puerto, New York, NY
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Feeling Less Pain
I was having neck tension and lower back pain but, after BHP healing, the tension in my neck and lower back was reduced significantly.  

Geri M.  Albuquerque, NM
BHP Finder

The Brain Education Healing Point (BHP) Finder is a tool to stimulate acupressure points on your head, hands, and feet—and is specifically designed to practice the self-healing technique of BHP Energy Healing.

Use this brass tool with a faux leather carrying case to locate the Brain Education Healing Points around the nail beds of your fingers and toes, as well as around your head. Use the wide, rounder end to massage those super-painful points to release the pain and open the energy blockages.

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